online game guides
⬇️Self paced programs to help you play the golf of your dreams⬇️
a 12 part self paced swing change guide to help you strike it your best - $39.99
This guide is made for all types of golfers
1. Using TrackMan Metrics
2. Posture/Alignment/Grip - How to master it
3. Distance - A cautionary tale
4. Implementing a new swing
5. The Backswing
6. The Top Position
7. How to Shallow your swing
8. Rotation and it's importance
9. Wrist Angles of Tour Pro's
10. The Proper Elbow Structure
11. The Finish
12. Footwork
+ A 5 Part Stretching Guide
an 8 part self paced putting program to help you putt like a tour pro - $29.99
This guide is made for all types of golfers
1. Key to Alignment
2. Drilling for Long Term Success
3. A Sound Pre Shot Routine
4. Mental Approach
5. Your Grip & Putter
6. The Straight Back Straight Through Stroke
7. Putting Thoughts
8. Picking the Line and Your Ideal Speed
a 7 part self paced guide to help you unlock your mental potential - $24.99
This guide is made for all types of golfers
1. Pre Shot Routine
2. Visualization & Reacting to Your Target
3. Breath Work & Taking It Slow
4. Locking in and Checking Out
5. Meditation for a Still Mind
6. Smart Golf
7. Going Low
purchase our 3 guides for 30% off + a free Gift - $65
With these 3 guides you will also receive a free swing analysis from our Head of Instruction Cam Lancaster. Once you click through and purchase please email your swing videos to Cam will send you back full emailed swing lesson.